Business Transformation

“Organizational diagnostics and optimal strategic design adaptation”

While adopting the right business strategies is critical to the success of your business, building up the internal capabilities that enable you to successfully implement these strategies is as important. Our Transformation Consulting Services have been designed to assist you with your continuous efforts to develop and enhance your internal business systems and to ensure their effectiveness.

Decisions & Organization Diagnostic

To achieve the goals set by the organization, a clear image of the strengths and weaknesses across the internal business system should be present. Without the knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses, an organization cannot reach its full potential.

Our Decisions & Organization Diagnostic services are structured to allow our experienced consultants to work closely with you in identifying your organization’s weaknesses. For this purpose, specialized diagnostic tools have been developed based on leading practices and ideal performance benchmarks. The tools help us in assessing your organizational performance across your value chain functions as well as support functions resulting in the rapid identification of your major weaknesses compared to traditional consulting approaches.

As we are currently living in a business environment marked with limited resources, we will use your strengths and weaknesses to build up a specially designed prioritization model. The model will typically be built around understanding the costs, benefits, and risks associated with initiatives. This model will assist you in building up a structured roadmap that will lead you through your transformation.

Strategic Organizational Design

With the increasing complexity in the business environment and the factors impacting the achievement of organizational success, businesses must adopt a flexible organizational structure, enabling them to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage through continuous interactions with the strategic directions.

At AFMC, a holistic approach has been developed encompassing a well-structured methodology to facilitate the rapid development of a strategic-focused organizational design.

This methodology consists of four major stages as follows:

  1. Strategic Directions: Confirmation of the organizational strategic directions in a series of structured workshops with the client’s top management team. The objective of the mentioned workshops is to establish the strategic base that the organization is built upon, including its vision, mission, strategic objectives, and tactical strategic directions adapted to achieve these objectives.

  2. Operational Model: Work will be done to build the appropriate high-level operational model of the organization which defines the distribution of major functions along the value chain.

  3. Business Systems: Defining your detailed business systems incorporating the corporate culture, business processes, management processes, and information systems.

  4. Optimal Design: We bring your management team into an interactive workshop facilitated by our experienced consultants who will work with you in driving out the best options to strategically structure your organization. The enriched analytical views and discussions around these options will facilitate the development of the optimal design for you to adapt which will enable you to ensure full alignment with your strategic directions, your operating model, and your business systems.

Economic Feasibility Studies

In-house comprehensive research to identify economic feasibility

Business Strategy

Due diligence, risk management, and policies & procedures support

PMO Office

Project Management Office for strategic implementation & alignment

Business Transformation

Organizational diagnostics and optimal strategic design adaptation